Talented Chautauquans will appear throughout Dangberg’s 2024 Summer Festival performing a series of intriguing historical figures from the Carson Valley and surrounding areas. All morning Chautauqua events are free for anyone to attend, so bring your loved ones and enjoy a slice of immersive local history! You can view the schedule of planned morning performances below:
Morning Performances, 10:00am-11:00am
September 6: DebiLynn Smith portrays Eliza Buckland — A founder of Buckland Station, a Pony Express stop near Fort Churchill, Nevada.
September 13: Kim Harris portrays Margaret Ferris Dangberg — Wife of Carson Valley rancher and politician Heinrich Friedrich Dangberg.
Please keep in mind that space in the performance tent is limited. It’s recommended to bring your own seating. No pets allowed at events—certified service animals only.
For more information on this and other events at the Dangberg Ranch Summer Festival, you can visit the official website, or check out their Facebook page.